Matthias Hirschmanner
Eletrical engineer, researcher in robotics
Arbeit – Digital – Affektiv; 3 Tanz-Performances und 1 Raum-Spiel in Wien
für die Eventserie #digitour von #diginclusion. Tanz-Performances Roboter und künstliche Intelligenz werden zu einem Teil unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens. Sie werden zu immer neuen robotischen Geräten gebündelt die uns…
ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT – impro robot dance performance – 26.10.19
Text deutsch weiter unten in Kurz- und Langform. ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT two performances on the re-invention of the human body. Today we are experiencing massive socio-technical changes. Our bodies face…
Introspection-Performance “The Robot is Present” at Volkstheater Vienna
upcoming> Introspection-Performance “The Robot is Present” at Volkstheater Vienna
Fr. 31.5., 13-14:45 at the Volkstheater Vienna, festival “#digitalnatives19” Introspection-Performance “The Robot is Present”What do you feel when you experiene the presence of an artifact? Can a robot or…
H.A.U.S. research on TV, at the public station ORF aired April 30, 2018
The ORF crew had filmed our research for 5 hours. We knew that the outcome would contribute a few minutes in to the program. Hence we where very exited to…
H.A.U.S. research filmed by public TV station ORF
Our research project got invited by the public TV station ORF. The team filmed the “Space-Game” and how our “Cultural Model of Space” evolved in the machine learning system we…