Florian Decker has been awarded the 2025 working grant by the City of Vienna. As part of this stipend, he plans to utilize the DANCR System of H.A.U.S to explore…
Category: Performance
Invited by the “Innovationsstiftung für Bildung” (Foundation for Innovation in Education) Florian and Oliver performed “just-because AI” at the fondations event on technology in education. Oliver lectured aspects of digital…
Oliver will talk about the development of the theoretical questions that led to the performance. How questions about AI-training, collectivity, and body movements were staged, answered, or further developed in…
https://www.burgbachkeller.ch/youai-13-02 at 2024.04.27 youAI lecture performance YOU are one living being among the many other entities that together make up an artificial intelligence system (AI). YOUR behavior in the digital…
(Deutscher Text unten) Dance-performance at “Internationaler Frauentag: Frauen und KI – Diskriminierungsfalle oder feministischer Aufschwung” at the Austrian Parliament: 7.3.2024, 16h Lectures, 17:30 Dance-Performance. Event information and registration: https://www.parlament.gv.at/erleben/veranstaltungen/1152912 Tanz-Performance…
> upcoming: youAI-I3-02 a performance to improvise with our improv-AI at Switzerland, Burgbachkeller
2024.04.27 @ https://www.burgbachkeller.ch/youai-13-02 YOU are one living being among the many other entities that together make up an artificial intelligence system (AI). YOUR behavior in the digital media determines which…