(german language event) am 15.01.2025 ab 19h c.t. im Kulturcafé Max, Mariengasse 1, 1170 Wien. Pandora announces: „Eine KI bittet zum Tanz – Menschen und Roboter improvisieren“. Wir begrüßen diesmal…
Tag: Eva-Maria Kraft
Eva discussing our approach to AI, our DANCR-tool, at the opening event of “KI ?/& KUNST (Artificial) intelligence and/or (human) creativity”. Info:https://www.digitalmakershub.at/ki–kunst-.phphttps://www.fhstp.ac.at/de/newsroom/news/neue-initiative-zu-ki-und-kunst Press:https://www.meinbezirk.at/st-poelten/c-lokales/neue-initiative-zu-ki-und-kunst_a7006565#gallery=null
Oliver will talk about the development of the theoretical questions that led to the performance. How questions about AI-training, collectivity, and body movements were staged, answered, or further developed in…
apero musette steht für Essen von feinen französischen Kleinigkeiten und dazu feine Getränke schlürfen. Apero & Buchpräsentation 20.6.2024, 18-20h @ Musette, Westbahnstraße 50, 1070 Wien.(Eintritt frei, u.A.w.g. musette@musetteshop.com) Die Buchpräsentation…
We are happy and honored to have the opportunity to present and discuss our DANCR-tool with the stage artists from MUK! DANCR-tool is a critique of AI development through the…
https://www.burgbachkeller.ch/youai-13-02 at 2024.04.27 youAI lecture performance YOU are one living being among the many other entities that together make up an artificial intelligence system (AI). YOUR behavior in the digital…