für die Eventserie #digitour von #diginclusion. Tanz-Performances Roboter und künstliche Intelligenz werden zu einem Teil unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens. Sie werden zu immer neuen robotischen Geräten gebündelt die uns…
Tag: space-game
Ludic Method Soirée program: a lecture by Daphne DragonaFrom devices of play to technologies of care a lecture by Oliver Schürer, H.A.U.S.Human[oid[ ]s]care hosted by Margarete Jahrmann, artistic PhD program,…
Workshop „Vertrauen in robotische Systeme“ Um mit robotischen Systemen in unmittelbarer Nähe umzugehen, brauchen Menschen eine Art grundlegende Hypothese als Antizipation über das zukünftige Verhalten dieser Systeme: Vertrauen. Wie kann…
The workshop “Cultural Spaces and Humanoid (S)Care” had been held at the at the ROBO-Philosophy conference 2018 Conference „Envisioning Robots in Society—Politics, Power, and Public Space“ 14-17.2.2018 fulltext Abstract workshopHumanoid…
The text of “An applied ethics to liaise humanoids with humans” is derived from a lecture, held at the at the Robophilosophy Conference 2018„Envisioning Robots in Society—Politics, Power, and Public…
we got invited to do presentations at the huge, self proclaimed, “Woodstock of Developers.” Chris and Katharina are conducting public experiments with our Architectural space-game generating a Cultural space-model there.…