für die Eventserie #digitour von #diginclusion. Tanz-Performances Roboter und künstliche Intelligenz werden zu einem Teil unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens. Sie werden zu immer neuen robotischen Geräten gebündelt die uns…
Category: Matthias Hirschmanner
Text deutsch weiter unten in Kurz- und Langform. ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT two performances on the re-invention of the human body. Today we are experiencing massive socio-technical changes. Our bodies face…
Fr. 31.5., 13-14:45 at the Volkstheater Vienna, festival “#digitalnatives19” www.volkstheater.at/stueck/the-robot-is-present/ Introspection-Performance “The Robot is Present”What do you feel when you experiene the presence of an artifact? Can a robot or…
The ORF crew had filmed our research for 5 hours. We knew that the outcome would contribute a few minutes in to the program. Hence we where very exited to…
Our research project got invited by the public TV station ORF. The team filmed the “Space-Game” and how our “Cultural Model of Space” evolved in the machine learning system we…