Clara Haider

Clara Haider is a biomedical engineering student at the TU Wien. In early 2017, Haider was an intern at the university’s Automation and Control Institute (ACIN). Her resulting bachelor thesis focused on object tracking and inverse kinematics with the humanoid robot Pepper. She is a member of H.A.U.S. and was part of planning and implementation of the performance „The Robot is Present“ for the Ars Electronica Festival 2017. Haider continues as a scientific project assistant at the ACIN’s Vision for Robotics group.

Presenting our arts-based research & development of our DANCR-tool and our AI’s, @ the Faculty of Dance at MUK (Music, and Arts University of Vienna)

We are happy and honored to have the opportunity to present and discuss our DANCR-tool with the stage artists from MUK! DANCR-tool is a critique of AI development through the…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Publications | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Presenting our arts-based research & development of our DANCR-tool and our AI’s, @ the Faculty of Dance at MUK (Music, and Arts University of Vienna)

Womens Day performance @ Austrian parliament with DANCR-AI

Performance in the Columned Hall of Parliament, at the invitation of the second President of the National Council, Doris Bures. Dance-performance celebrating Womens Day 2024 The two goddesses, Athena and…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Clara Haider, Larissa Quaschning, Lisa Kallage, Oliver Schürer | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Womens Day performance @ Austrian parliament with DANCR-AI

> upcoming: Womens Day performance @ Austrian parliament with DANCR-AI

(Deutscher Text unten) Dance-performance at “Internationaler Frauentag: Frauen und KI – Diskriminierungsfalle oder feministischer Aufschwung” at the Austrian Parliament: 7.3.2024, 16h Lectures, 17:30 Dance-Performance. Event information and registration: Tanz-Performance…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Clara Haider, HRi, Lisa Kallage, Machina, Oliver Schürer, Performance, Robotics, Thomas A. Pichler | Tagged , , | Comments Off on > upcoming: Womens Day performance @ Austrian parliament with DANCR-AI

DANCR-tool; generative 2 AIs and data-production for individual artists, to let robots improvise contemporary dance. Reseach & development project accomplished.

Briefly, the DANCR-tool is … … a new instrument including our improvAI and transferAI for 1) dance and improvisation in contemporary dance as well as 2) setup of the scientific…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Brigitte Krenn (OFAI), Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Darja Stoeva, Eva-Maria Kraft, HRi, Machina, Maria Mußner, OFAI, Oliver Schürer, Sridhar Bulusu | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on DANCR-tool; generative 2 AIs and data-production for individual artists, to let robots improvise contemporary dance. Reseach & development project accomplished.

Arbeit – Digital – Affektiv; 3 Tanz-Performances und 1 Raum-Spiel in Wien

für die Eventserie #digitour von #diginclusion. Tanz-Performances Roboter und künstliche Intelligenz werden zu einem Teil unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens. Sie werden zu immer neuen robotischen Geräten gebündelt die uns…

Posted in Art, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Darja Stoeva, Discourse, Eva-Maria Kraft, Event, HRi, Machina, Matthias Hirschmanner, Oliver Schürer, Performance, Space-Game, Thomas A. Pichler | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Arbeit – Digital – Affektiv; 3 Tanz-Performances und 1 Raum-Spiel in Wien

ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT – impro robot dance performance – 26.10.19

Text deutsch weiter unten in Kurz- und Langform. ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT two performances on the re-invention of the human body. Today we are experiencing massive socio-technical changes. Our bodies face…

Posted in Architecture, Art, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Darja Stoeva, Eva-Maria Kraft, Helena Frijns, Machina, Matthias Hirschmanner, Oliver Schürer, Performance, Thomas A. Pichler | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT – impro robot dance performance – 26.10.19