Benjamin Stangl
Benjamin Stangl studied architecture at McGill University and the Vienna University of Technology where he graduated with distinction in Master of Building Science and Technology (2010) and in Master of Architecture (2013). He is a founding member of the interdisciplinary research group H.A.U.S. (Humanoids in Architecture and Urban Spaces). Currently, he is a doctoral candidate in Architecture at TU Vienna. The working title of his dissertation is: Social Robots at the Interface of Humans, Technology and Space.
Research interests
- Social Robotics
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Assistive Systems
- Smart Homes
Robotic projects
- Schürer, O., Hubatschke, C., Müller, C., Stangl B. (fc.). Space-Game: Domesticating humanoid robots and AI by generating a cultural space model of intra-action. In: Athanasios Karafillidis; Robert Weidner (Hrsg.): Developing Support Technologies. Springer 2018.
- Schürer, O., Stangl, B., Müller, C., Hubatschke, C., (2018). Experiments with a First Prototype of a Spatial Model of Cultural Meaning through Natural-Language Human-Robot Interaction. Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
- Schürer, O., Stangl, B., Müller, C., Hubatschke, C., (2017). A first prototype of a space model of cultural meaning by natural-language human-robot interaction, 10th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA’17), Rhodos, Griechenland.
- Schürer, O., Hubatschke, C., Müller, C., Stangl B. (2016). Raum-Spiel: Generieren eines kulturellen Raummodells durch Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. smartASSIST 2016, Hamburg, Deutschland.
- Stangl, B., Müller, C., Schürer, O. (2016). Ein Roboter wie ein H.A.U.S.?. Architektur & Bauforum, 09/2016, Wien.
- Breaking the wall of social robots as actors & networks (Invited Talk) FallingWallsLAB16, Vienna Technical Museum, 2016.
- Humanoide Roboter in der Architektur (Invited Talk) 1. Wiener Doktorand_innensymposion der Architektur, 2015.
- Operating with a Virtual Archaeological Information Model in Adobe 3D PDF (Invited Talk) TOPOI Excellence Cluster, Free University of Berlin, 2010.
Robot Machina and her friend Eva reminisce on visiting the windup doll “Coppélia” at the Vienna Volksoper 5.2.19
A splendid night at the opera, in seven scenesMachina is a special doll. She is a robot and enthusiastic fan of Coppélia. Because she loves the heartwarming representation of a…
Robot Machina will visit the opera performance of the doll “Coppélia” at the Vienna Volksoper
(Für deutschen Text nach unten scrollen) Machina is a special doll. She is a robot and enthusiastic fan of Coppélia. Because she loves the heartwarming representation of a doll by…
Workshop “Trust in Robotic Systems” at conference “Developing Support Technologies, Integrating Multiple Perspectives to Create Assistance that People Really Want”
Workshop „Vertrauen in robotische Systeme“ Um mit robotischen Systemen in unmittelbarer Nähe umzugehen, brauchen Menschen eine Art grundlegende Hypothese als Antizipation über das zukünftige Verhalten dieser Systeme: Vertrauen. Wie kann…
Long Night of Research April 13, 2018
How to tame your robot; play the space-game with the humanoid robot Pepper. Soon, humanoid robots will live together with us in everyday spaces. Architecture is fare from being prepared.…
Paper on two experiments with our AI “Spatial Model of Cultural Meaning” published in peer reviewed journal
In autumn 2016 and spring 2017 we did experiments with larger groups of people to test our “Spatial Model of Cultural Meaning.” This is the first prototype of the model.…
The Taming of the Humanoid – Des Humanoiden Zähmung
Des Humanoiden Zähmung Forschungsinhalt ist, ein kulturelles Konzept von Raum zu entwickeln, das Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz in denselben Bedeutungskontext wie uns Menschen involviert. Unser Konzept ist dabei die reziproke…