(Deutscher Text unten) In free variation on the themes of introspection, intuition and ignorance (not knowing), Christoph and Oliver approach with this text a sketch for inhabitancy, the sojourn of…
Category: Art&Architecture
Dingwesen /ˈdɪŋˈveːzn̩/ is a Lecture/Dance-Performance staged at the “International Festival Theater of Things” Berlin 2020, “Artificial Bodies”. The performance discusses the intimate vis-a-vis of very different bodies by means of…
Oliver got interviewed by Leonie Markovics from the ORF at the Technisches Museum Wien (Museum of Technology Vienna). An article and a video had been produced to accompany the TV…
Die Vorstellung kann aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklung der Corona-Pandemie nicht an der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Berlin stattfinden. Stattdessen zeigen wir die Veranstaltung als online Live-Stream auf Zoom. Der Eintritt ist frei.…
Dance-Performance “Doppelganger” cycle 4, “Ningyō Jōruri 人形浄 瑠 – 璃 2” at “LABfactory reloaded” JOT12
H.A.U.S. announces its Vienna sneek preview of the Doppelganger research cycle, the human-humanoid dance performance on 27.9.2018, 21:15, at LABfactory reloaded, Jot 12, Seestadt Aspern. “Ningyō Jōruri 人形浄 瑠 – 璃 2,“ embodied AI in…
The Human-Humanoid Space-Game The complexity and unpredictability of the everyday world in which we humans move, usually without any effort, represents a big challenge for robots. Technical perception systems are feed with…