Helena Frijns
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Lecture-Performance “Dingwesen” at Berlin Festival “Artificial Bodies” Video-Stream
Dingwesen /ˈdɪŋˈveːzn̩/ is a Lecture/Dance-Performance staged at the “International Festival Theater of Things” Berlin 2020, “Artificial Bodies”. The performance discusses the intimate vis-a-vis of very different bodies by means of…
upcoming> Lecture-Performance “Dingwesen” at Berlin Festival “Artificial Bodies” (8.11., 20h)
Die Vorstellung kann aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklung der Corona-Pandemie nicht an der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Berlin stattfinden. Stattdessen zeigen wir die Veranstaltung als online Live-Stream auf Zoom. Der Eintritt ist frei.…
Workshop “Think & Perform Tank” 20.8.20, 19:30 at “International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2020”
Think & Perform Tank; Workshop with hands-on experimental, transdisciplinary research on co-creation of sociocultural places and situations by interaction of dancer, musician, roboticists, robot, and the audience. 20.8.20, 19:30-21:30 Workshop…
Paper on “Context-Awareness for Social Robots” in Workshop at Robophilosophy Conference
Helena and Oliver got accept with a contribution to the workshop “Social Models for Social Robotics” at the Robophilosophy Conference with a paper on “Context-Awareness for Social Robots.”
upcoming > Workshop at “International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2020”
Happy to announce that we are going to offer a workshop at the Robophilosophy conference again! Robotic and artificial intelligent artefacts are continuously being introduced more and more into the…
Paper on “Mental Models in HRI” Workshop at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
Helena and Oliver got accept with a contribution to the workshop at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction with a paper on “Mental Models of Robots.”