Christoph Hubatschke


Graduated in philosophy and political science in Vienna. At the moment he is holding a doctoral fellowship at the Austrian Academy of Sciences working as scientific researcher at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna on his dissertation, in which he tries to systemize the philosophy of technology in the work of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the context of current social movements. The working title of the dissertation is: New figures of resistance. Social movements and new technology in the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari.

Publications and presentations in the fields of poststructuralist political theory, the politics and ethics of humanoid robots, theory of democracy, philosophy of technology, social movement studies and Deleuze-Studies.


Homepage (list of publications)

own scientific blog (German)

Buchpräsentation von “youAI: train, adapt, perform” @ apero musette – „Imagine … Künstliche Intelligenz und das Mögliche“

apero musette steht für Essen von feinen französischen Kleinigkeiten und dazu feine Getränke schlürfen.  Apero & Buchpräsentation 20.6.2024, 18-20h @ Musette, Westbahnstraße 50, 1070 Wien.(Eintritt frei, u.A.w.g.  Die Buchpräsentation…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Brigitte Krenn (OFAI), Christoph Hubatschke, Eva-Maria Kraft, Sridhar Bulusu | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Buchpräsentation von “youAI: train, adapt, perform” @ apero musette – „Imagine … Künstliche Intelligenz und das Mögliche“

Presenting our arts-based research & development of our DANCR-tool and our AI’s, @ the Faculty of Dance at MUK (Music, and Arts University of Vienna)

We are happy and honored to have the opportunity to present and discuss our DANCR-tool with the stage artists from MUK! DANCR-tool is a critique of AI development through the…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Publications | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Presenting our arts-based research & development of our DANCR-tool and our AI’s, @ the Faculty of Dance at MUK (Music, and Arts University of Vienna)

youAI-I3-02; a performance to improvise with our improv-AI at Switzerland, Burgbachkeller at 2024.04.27 youAI lecture performance YOU are one living being among the many other entities that together make up an artificial intelligence system (AI). YOUR behavior in the digital…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Darja Stoeva, Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Performance, Rupert Huber, Thomas A. Pichler, Video | Tagged , , | Comments Off on youAI-I3-02; a performance to improvise with our improv-AI at Switzerland, Burgbachkeller

youAI; BOOK on arts-based research developing AI

A book in german language @ LIT Verlag Berlin, Vienna. Download book excerpt / Buch Auszug youAI researches critical approaches with and by developing artificial intelligence (AI) This book…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Christoph Hubatschke, Discourse, Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Publications, Publikationen | Tagged , , | Comments Off on youAI; BOOK on arts-based research developing AI

> upcoming: youAI BOOK; arts-based research on AI

youAI researches critical approaches to artificial intelligence (AI). This book brings together both scientific-essayistic and artistic-experimental approaches and methods of arts-based research on AI. Developed in the same transdisciplinary way,…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Christoph Hubatschke, Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Comments Off on > upcoming: youAI BOOK; arts-based research on AI

DANCR-tool; generative 2 AIs and data-production for individual artists, to let robots improvise contemporary dance. Reseach & development project accomplished.

Briefly, the DANCR-tool is … … a new instrument including our improvAI and transferAI for 1) dance and improvisation in contemporary dance as well as 2) setup of the scientific…

Posted in Art&Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Brigitte Krenn (OFAI), Christoph Hubatschke, Clara Haider, Darja Stoeva, Eva-Maria Kraft, HRi, Machina, Maria Mußner, OFAI, Oliver Schürer, Sridhar Bulusu | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on DANCR-tool; generative 2 AIs and data-production for individual artists, to let robots improvise contemporary dance. Reseach & development project accomplished.