Book publication “Things that dance / Tanz der Dinge”, a short version of the “Doppelgänger performance cycle” concept

the book is done by the “Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung”

oliver wrote a short text about the artistic and scientific research interests that are being pursued with the “Doppelgänger performance cycle.” a section of the book has been entiteled “Machines of the angels, Maschinen der Engel” according to a text by Jean Paul (“Menschen sind Maschinen der Engel,” “Human Beings Are the Machines of Angels” 1785) that we introduce in our performance cycle.

Published at transkript publishers,

Johannes Birringer, Josephine Fenger (Hg.)
Tanz der Dinge/Things that dance
Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2019
Transcript Verlag, 2019.

O. Schürer, (2019) Doppelgänger – A Dance Performance Research Cycle on Humans and Humanoids; in: “Tanz der Dinge / Things that dance”, TanzForschung 2019; J. Birringer, J. Fenger (Hrg.); transcript Verlag, Biefeld, Deutschland, ISBN: 978-3-8376-4773-0, S. 77 – 80.

Snipets from the book.