Think & Perform Tank; Workshop with hands-on experimental, transdisciplinary research on co-creation of sociocultural places and situations by interaction of dancer, musician, roboticists, robot, and the audience. 20.8.20, 19:30-21:30 Workshop…
Category: Event
Helena and Oliver got accept with a contribution to the workshop “Social Models for Social Robotics” at the Robophilosophy Conference with a paper on “Context-Awareness for Social Robots.”
Happy to announce that we are going to offer a workshop at the Robophilosophy conference again! Robotic and artificial intelligent artefacts are continuously being introduced more and more into the…
Ludic Method Soirée program: a lecture by Daphne DragonaFrom devices of play to technologies of care a lecture by Oliver Schürer, H.A.U.S.Human[oid[ ]s]care hosted by Margarete Jahrmann, artistic PhD program,…
Tanz-Performance < Ningyō-buri> aus dem Doppelgänger Zyklus Von/mit der transdisziplinären Forschungsgruppe H.A.U.S. (Humanoids in Architecture and Urban Spaces). Roboter und künstliche Intelligenz sind angetreten immer mehr Teil unseres privaten, ja…
eine interaktive Ausstellung, transdisziplinäres Forschungslabor, Ort des Diskurses und Bühne für Tanzperformance cycle 7. 27.6. Galerie Spitzer/Odeon Theater. 27.6.201919h Ankommen19:30 Tanz-Performance (pay as you wish)20h Gespräch20:30 Feier, Finissage Ausstellung Tanz-Performance…