Dance-Performance “Doppelgänger” cycle 6, “Ningyō-buri” at Volkstheater Vienna (31.5+1.6.2019)
Eva-Maria Kraft dances with two humanoid robots, model Pepper. H.A.U.S. Dance performance “Ningyō-buri” at the Volkstheater Vienna, May 2019 (Video Michel Liozenbauer).Eva-Maria Kraft tanzt mit zwei humanoiden Robotern Modell Pepper. Tanzperformance “Ningyō-buri” im Volkstheater Wien, Mai 2019 (alle Fotos dieser Seite Christine Miess).Sebastian Michael, recitative to H.A.U.S. dance performance “Ningyō-buri” two humanoid robots, model Pepper. at the Volkstheater Vienna, May 2019 (all photos on this page Christine Miess).