When using assistive systems, the consideration of individual and cultural meaning is crucial for the utility and acceptance of technology. Orientation, communication and interaction are rooted in perception and therefore…
Category: Benjamin Stangl
When using assistive systems, the consideration of individual and cultural meaning is crucial for the utility and acceptance of technology. Orientation, communication and interaction are rooted in perception and therefore…
On 12 and 13 December 2016, the second transdisciplinary conference „Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen“ took place at the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. We received the award for…
Many thanks to everybody involved! 1000+ people visited our event and 256 interactions summed up to the public experiment of the first prototype of our Space-game. Two TV teams had a look…
The complexity and unpredictability of the everyday world in which we humans move, usually without any effort, represents a big challenge for robots. Technical perception systems feed space data in the form…
Space-game, the first prototype at the European Robotics Week – Long Night of Robots when: Friday, 25th of November 2016, 4pm-12pm where: Gußhausstraße 30, 1040 Vienna Talk to robot Romeo.…