Humanoid robots know different states in terms of remaining battery reserve, the temperature of their joints or the strength of the WIFI signal. These conditions are essential for robot to function properly.This…
Category: Benjamin Stangl
Space-Game Ziel ist ein Modell von Raum zu entwickeln, das Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz in den Bedeutungskontext von uns Menschen involviert. Unser Ansatz dazu ist die reziproke Konstruktion von Raum…
This report summarizes a group project work for the course “Basics in Human-Robot Interaction ” by Martin Hammerschmid, Maximilian Lehr, Benjamin Stangl, Constantin Walcher in the winter semester 2014/2015. It describes…
The Human-Humanoid Space-Game The complexity and unpredictability of the everyday world in which we humans move, usually without any effort, represents a big challenge for robots. Technical perception systems are feed with…