Happy to announce that we are going to offer a workshop at the Robophilosophy conference again! Robotic and artificial intelligent artefacts are continuously being introduced more and more into the…
Category: Art
Both events are postponed. We are looking forward to continue! The evening before Eva-Maria and Oliver had talked to the curator on the phone to clarify whether the lecture and…
H.A.U.S. double-feature in the context of the Exhibition “The Assembled Human”,Ausstellung “Der montierte Mensch”, 8. November 2019 – 15. March 2020,at the Folkwang Museum.Events at the exhibition Automatisms and Architecture:…
Ludic Method Soirée program: a lecture by Daphne DragonaFrom devices of play to technologies of care a lecture by Oliver Schürer, H.A.U.S.Human[oid[ ]s]care hosted by Margarete Jahrmann, artistic PhD program,…
Text deutsch weiter unten in Kurz- und Langform. ITTEN, BREATH, ROBOT two performances on the re-invention of the human body. Today we are experiencing massive socio-technical changes. Our bodies face…
the book is done by the “Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung” www.gtf-tanzforschung.de oliver wrote a short text about the artistic and scientific research interests that are being pursued with the “Doppelgänger performance…