Roussel-Machine text-AI at Vienna Art Week Losing Control / MATERIAL SILENCING
Topoi of Posthumanism at Vienna Art Week.
While in surrealism speakers took on the role of a medium between the imitation of nature and language symbolically / iconically, in posthumanism non-human beings and technologies become the indexical medium of speech.
Performative works by Ulla Rauter, Klaus Spiess und Oliver Schürer.
Ulla is making a river talk by means of AI.
The Roussel-Machine AI and Oliver improvising on the the becoming evident of meaning.
Rotraut together with Klaus will perform with the audience and a host of saliva bacteria processed with the bioreactor on site.
12/11/2021, 18—20h, Expositur Widerhofergasse 7, 1090 Wien
Registration required:
Information on the Roussel-Machine text-AI
See here on artistic research on language and space, and it’s AI development as well as it’s application development.
To access the algorithm of the Roussel-Machine we have developed different interfaces: For reading=writing by an individual. For the interaction of a crowd, where reading=writing is physically acted out in a jointly generated political space.