> upcoming: youAI – train, adapt, perform
a dance-and-word performance @ imagetanz festival 2023
To generate data for training artificial intelligences, digital machines measure us humans. But with every click, like or selfie, Artificial Intelligence (AI) also trains us. In youAI, the transdisciplinary research group H.A.U.S. investigates the current equalization frenzy between humans and machines. At the intersection of technology, words and contemporary dance, the performance addresses the newly emerging human-machine relationship: training.
4 dancers, 1 actress, 2 engineers, 2 robots.
As part of the performance, H.A.U.S. invites the audience to a dialogue. With changing experts from the fields of AI, robotics, society and art, H.A.U.S. and the audience will delve into the many topics dealt with in the piece.
Festival program brut theater https://brut-wien.at/de/Programm/Kalender/Programm-2023/03/H.A.U.S
Der Standard https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000144568352/die-wiener-gruppe-haus-streut-bei-imagetanz-zweifel-am-ki?ref=rss
The Gap thegap.at/imagetanz-2023-5-highlights-aus-dem-festivalprogramm/
FAQ faq-magazine.com/human-in-the-loop/

Premiere Fri. 17.3.2023, 20:00 – Performance
You, Society and AI – Talk
Brigitte Krenn (OFAI, artificial intelligence research), Michaela Pfadenhauer (Universtiät Wien, Soziologie),Oliver Schürer, Eva-Maria Kraft, Christoph Hubatschke.
Sat. 18.3.2023, 20:00 – Performance
You, Arts and AI – Talk
Margarete Jahrmann (Die Angewandte, arts-based research), Jesse de Pagter (Science and technology studies, curator), Oliver Schürer, Eva-Maria Kraft, Christoph Hubatschke.
Sun. 19.3.2023, 20:00 – Performance
You, Robots and AI – Talk
Christopher Frauenberger (Universität Salzburg, human-computer interaction), Darja Stoeva (Technische Universität Wien, human-robot interaction), Oliver Schürer, Eva-Maria Kraft, Christoph Hubatschke.

On stage
Choreographie, Tanz: Eva-Maria Kraft
Schauspielerin: Linda Pichler
Trainees: Florian Decker, Simeon Ohlsen, Céline Weigt
Technische Supervision, Human-Robot-Interaction: Maria Mußner, Darja Stoeva
2 Humanoide Roboter Modell Pepper
Concept, Artistic Direction: Eva-Maria Kraft, Oliver Schürer, Christoph Hubatschke
Text, textbook, audience dialog: Oliver Schürer, Christoph Hubatschke
DANCR development AI: Johann Petrak (OFAI), Brigitte Krenn (OFAI), Sridhar Bulusu
youAI development AI: Sridhar Bulusu
Stageing AI: Oliver Schürer
HRI development: Darja Stoeva, Clara Haider, Helena Frijns
Video, documentation: Michael Loizenbauer
Light: Jon Maier
Music: Rupert Huber, Thomas A. Pichler
Dramaturgical consulting: Nikolaus Selimov
Production: Eva-Maria Kraft
Eine Koproduktion von H.A.U.S. und brut Wien.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien und des BMKÖS.

The credo of societal flexibility demands continuous adaptation, increased efficiency, and uniformity, which in turn themselves demand training. On the one hand, this means actively adapting human bodies and mindsets – internalizing, conditioning and making them proficient. On the other hand, in relation to artificial intelligences, training also means forming, proving and predicting patterns. Arbitrary standardizations and the training of all kinds of prejudices, biases, are the results of these forms of training. The ubiquitous use of artificial intelligences not only reproduces these discriminations, it reinforces them. And what doesn’t fit is made to fit. youAI addresses the usually ignored material aspects of artificial intelligences as well as their entanglements with bodies and movements. The piece explores possibilities for a different AI and experiments with training processes at the intersection of technology, words and dance.