upcoming> Dance-Performance “Doppelgänger” cycle 5, 6, and 7, “Ningyō-buri”
Robots and artificial intelligence are poised to become part of our private and even our intimate lives. What kind of relation- ships do we want to develop with these completely new forms of technology?
The piece references bunraku, a Japanese form of puppet theatre and light opera, and a text by the poet Jean Paul – both of which originate from the 18th century. In the performance, the modes of expression available to a humanoid robot are brought into confrontation with the improvisational approach of a dancer. The fragile connection between person and machine raises questions concerning the posthuman. The roles of subject and object can only be ascribed vaguely: who here is the player, and who is being played?
Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenzen sind im Begriff, in unsere private und intime Lebenswelt einzudringen. Welche Beziehungen wollen wir zu diesen völlig neuen Formen von Technologie entwickeln?
Referenz sind das japanische Bunraku, eine Form des Puppentheaters und des Singspiels, sowie ein Text des Dichters Jean Paul – beides stammt aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. In der Performance werden die Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten eines humanoiden Roboters mit den Improvisationsqualitäten einer Tänzerin konfrontiert. Die fragile Verbundenheit zwischen Mensch und Maschine stellt posthumane Aspekte zur Diskussion. Der Status Subjekt und Objekt kann nur vage zugeordnet werden: Wer ist hier Spieler/in, wer wird gespielt?
Conference “Art, Architecture and Technology” to celebrate the 150 Years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria
by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
25.5., 14:30 at the at TU Kuppelsaal (closed society)
Volkstheater Vienna, Festival “#digitalnatives19”
31.5., 17h and 18h
1.6., 13h and 14h
Gallery Spitzer/Odeon theatre,
Performative installation <embracing the other>
13-27.6. with 2 performances and a discourse event.
13.6., 19h performance and vernissage
installation: interaction with <the other> an artificial intelligence and an artificial body.
20.6., 19h at performance
installation: interaction with <the other> an artificial intelligence and an artificial body.
27.6., 19h discourse and finissage

People performing
Eva-Maria Kraft (choreography, dance), Sebastian Michael (recitor), Rupert Huber (composition, piano), Thomas Jelinek (dramaturgy)
Robot programming
Helena Frijns, Darja Stoeva, Christoph Müller
Stage set
Christoph Müller, Anel Bucan
Social science monitoring and evaluation
Christian Fiedler, Christoph Hubatschke, Marlene Kollmayer, Isabel Schwaninger
Contact, concept, director
Oliver Schürer

Performative installation funded by