Lecture “Artificial Ignorance or A. I. inside the labyrinth without Ariadne’s thread”

Conference “Ignorance within the space of knowledge” was held at the main library of Upper Austria, in the city of Linz.





Christoph Hubatschke and Oliver Schürer did a lecture entitled “Artificial Ignorance or A. I. inside the labyrinth without Ariadne’s thread.” (german) Abstract

Elias Schnee and Benedikt Scherzer where contributing there design works. They where developed in a design studio held by Christoph Müller and Oliver Schürer in summer 2017 on the topic of the labyrinth. The design work illustrated transformation of inventories of knowledge and reinventing sociocultural relations.

Elias Schnee





Benedikt Scherzer






Conference page (german): http://www.gfk-ooe.at/event/nichtwissen-im-wissensraum/