Lecture-performance by Oliver Schürer, Eva-Maria Kraft and Christoph Müller (H.A.U.S.) delighted to cooperate with Rupert Huber, 20.11.2018. ESF
Tag: Doppelganger cycle
Dance-Performance “Doppelganger” cycle 4, “Ningyō Jōruri 人形浄 瑠 – 璃 2” at “LABfactory reloaded” JOT12
H.A.U.S. announces its Vienna sneek preview of the Doppelganger research cycle, the human-humanoid dance performance on 27.9.2018, 21:15, at LABfactory reloaded, Jot 12, Seestadt Aspern. “Ningyō Jōruri 人形浄 瑠 – 璃 2,“ embodied AI in…
Lecture-performance by Oliver Schürer, Eva-Maria Kraft and Christoph Müller (H.A.U.S.) 19.09.2018
H.A.U.S. at the “Kre:π performance art festival” at Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 30.8.-2.9.2018, Dance-performance and Discourse. Dance-performance by Eva and Machina 1.9., 20h Teaser video Discourse “ENTROPY – and the reconstruction…
In this early spring days we are rehearsing a dance performance piece “Doppelganger.” (watch clip below) The play focuses on the notions of the production and the…